The Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) in Detail
Franchisors are Required to Provide a Presale Disclosure Document (FDD) to Prospective Franchisees
The U.S. Franchise Rule requires that franchisors provide to prospective franchises the presale disclosure document (“FDD”) to prospective franchisees so that they can make an informed decision prior to entering into a franchise relationship. According to the FTC, the Franchise Rule is “designed to enable potential franchisees to protect themselves before investing by providing them with information essential to an assessment of the potential risks and benefits, to meaningful comparisons with other investments, and to further investigation of the franchise opportunity.”
Information in the FDD falls into three general categories: information about the franchisor; information about the franchise system and the investment necessary to develop a location; and information about each party’s rights and obligations under the contract that they’re going to sign.
There are 23 Disclosure Items in a Franchise Disclosure Document
The disclosure document is prepared in a format established by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Under the FTC Franchise Rule, there are twenty-three specified areas of disclosure (called “Items” in franchise parlance) in the FDD, including a written receipt. All but one of these Items are required. The 23 Items are listed and described below:
- The Franchisor and any Parents, Predecessors, and Affiliates
- Business Experience
- Litigation
- Bankruptcy
- Initial Fees
- Other Fees
- Estimated Initial Investment
- Restrictions on Sources of Products and Services
- Franchisee’s Obligations
- Financing
- Franchisor’s Assistance, Advertising, Computer Systems, and Training
- Territory
- Trademarks
- Patents, Copyrights, and Proprietary Information
- Obligation to Participate in the Actual Operation of the Franchise Business
- Restrictions on What the Franchisee May Sell
- Renewal, Termination, Transfer, and Dispute Resolution
- Public Figures
- Financial Performance Representations
- Outlets and Franchisee Information
- Financial Statements
- Contracts
- Receipts
For a video overview of what goes into an FDD, see How To Develop a Franchise System Part 9: How Franchising Works
Item 1 – The Franchisor, its predecessors and affiliates
Describes the franchise company and certain affiliate companies, the business concept to be offered, the market for the product or service offered, known government regulations with which the franchisee must comply, and the competitors a franchisee may face in the business.
Item 2 – Business Experience
Professional experience:
Item 3 – Litigation
The franchisor must list specific litigation relevant to the franchise company, whether civil or criminal, pending or settled, whether they are plaintiff or defendant.
Item 4 – Bankruptcy
All senior management must disclose any personal bankruptcy or any corporate bankruptcy for a company of which they were a senior management officer during the past 10 years.
Item 5 – Initial Franchise Fee
The amount of the initial franchise fee, how and when it is to be paid, and under what circumstances, if any, the initial fee would be refunded to the franchisee.
Item 6 – Other Fees
All other fees (type of fee and amount) whether one-time fees, per occurrence fees, or on-going fees must be included in Item 6 along with information on how and when they are to be paid and under what circumstances, if any, the fee would be refunded. These fees could include but are not limited to:
Item 7 – Initial Investment
The franchisor must provide information on the franchisee’s total estimated investment to get started in the franchised business.
In addition to the category of expenditure and the estimated range of expense, the chart also provides information on the method of payment, when the payment is made, to whom it is made and under what conditions, if any, it is refundable.
Below is the type of chart and information you will generally see:
Item 8 – Restrictions on sources of products and services
Item 9 – Franchisee’s Obligations
The franchisee’s obligations in starting and operating the business. Format is a chart identifying the obligation and directing the reader to proper section of the franchise agreement or the FDD for details on the obligation.
Item 10 – Financing Available
The terms and conditions of any direct or indirect financing provided to the franchisee.
Item 11 – Franchisor’s Obligations
The obligations of the franchisor in supporting the franchisee. These obligations are typically divided into what services the franchisor will provide prior to the opening of the business, and those services the franchisor will provide on an ongoing basis.
Item 12 – Territory
If territorial rights are granted to the franchisee, they are described together with any performance criteria required of the franchisee for maintaining those rights.
Item 13 – Trademarks
The franchisor must provide information regarding their trademarks, service marks, and trade names that will be used by the franchisee in the business.
Item 14 – Patents, copyrights, and proprietary information
The franchisor must provide information regarding their patents, copyrights, and other proprietary information that the franchisee will use in the operation of the business.
Item 15 – Obligations to participate in the actual operation of the franchise business
Whether the franchisor requires the franchisee to be an owner-operator and devote full time to the operation of the business, or whether the franchisee may be an investor and turn the day-to-day operations over to a manager, along with any ownership, training, or certification requirements for the person who is responsible for operating the business.
Item 16 – Restrictions on what the franchise may sell
If the franchisor prohibits certain products or services to be offered by the franchisee, they must identify those requirements.
Item 17 – Renewal, termination, transfers, and dispute resolution
Item 18 – Public Figures
If the franchisor uses a celebrity or other public figure in the franchise name or logo, the amount the person is paid, their involvement in the management of the business, and their investment in the franchisor are disclosed.
Item 19 – Financial Performance Representation
Item 20 – List of Franchise Outlets
The franchisor must provide the following information:
Item 21 – Audited Financial Statements – three years
Item 22 – Contracts
Every contract or agreement with the franchisor or its affiliated companies that the franchisee is required to sign. Copies of the actual agreements are attached as exhibits to the FDD.
Item 23 – Receipts for the FDD
Franchisors should prepare carefully before developing their Franchise Disclosure Document
For franchisors, developing a Franchise Disclosure Document should be completed by qualified franchise lawyers and only after significant strategic and other business planning. The laws that regulate the franchising industry are different at the federal and state level. Additionally, each state has different laws that regulate franchising within its borders.
Some franchisors make the mistake of rushing into development of their legal documents, and short-change the strategic work of franchise system planning. But while the FDD Items that you need to disclose are predetermined by the FTC Rule, the information you put in those Items is unique to your brand, your franchise system. You don’t want to follow somebody else’s formula for a franchise system. The FDD provides you with a guide to the structure of a sustainable franchise system, but without exploring the strategic considerations that most of your decisions will require, your franchise system could end up operating as just a legal vehicle for expansion rather than what it truly should be – a business structure for sustainable expansion.
For an overview of which states require filing or registration, see our video How To Develop A Franchise System Part 10: Regulatory Framework. This video looks at compliance with the Registration and Disclosure laws applicable in 14 states, such as California, Illinois, New York, Virginia, Michigan, and others, and also examines the laws in detail related to an Item 19 disclosure, the Financial Performance Representation, and what type of statements could get you into legal trouble.
Do you have questions about franchise disclosure requirements?
MSA provides expert guidance on planning a successful and sustainable franchise system. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.