Franchise Training

The other strand of Franchise DNA

Effective Franchise Training for System Success

Franchisee training enables franchisors to create consistent delivery of their Brand Promise from location to location, regardless of the market. While your library of Operations Manuals is your primary reference material for training franchisees, effective training programs use an array of methods and activities to enable franchisees to launch, operate, and grow their businesses effectively.

MSA’s expertise helps you develop innovative and cost-effective franchise training that achieves the results you require.

We work with our clients to identify and define the knowledge, skills, and abilities that each member of the franchise system needs to perform their job to brand standards​, and to determine which training approaches will be the most effective and cost-efficient for each group requiring training. We also develop for our clients methods of staff certification that are legally compliant and better allow the franchise system ​to achieve consistent and sustainable locations.

MSA is skilled in designing and developing training programs that can be effectively taught by our client’s staff. Our training is cost-effective and blends learning solutions to ensure that the client’s brand – at each location – is managed by people who have been trained and certified to meet their brand standards.
For ​more information, contact Marla Rosner, Senior ​Learning & Development Consultant, at (415) ​225-​8607 or

Training programs we develop for our clients include:

  • Franchisee and general manager training
  • Employee training for franchisee adaptation
  • Franchisor field consultant training
  • Train-the-trainer programs to enable franchisees to train their own personnel
  • Train-the-trainer programs to enable field staff to conduct training
  • Unit manager training
  • Multi-unit developer training
  • Franchise sales compliance training
  • International and domestic master franchisee and area representative training

Training: The DNA of Your Franchise System

Th​is presentation addresses the role of franchise training in developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes in franchisees and their staff to achieve franchisor standards.

Do you have questions about franchise training and operations manuals?

MSA Worldwide provides expert guidance on giving franchisees what they need to consistently deliver your brand promise to your customers. Contact us for a complimentary consultation.